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2023-10-17 07:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




路,小路:road, street, path, footpath, side path / walk, pavement, lane, alley

十字路口,道路交叉口:intersection, crossing, crossroad, junction

路的转弯处:corner, bend


区域形状:circular, circle, rectangular, rectangle, square, triangular, triangle, oval, diamond-shaped




陷阱一 “turn right / left just before it”


剑11 Test 1 Section 2

Q17 café很多同学听到音频中出现bridge会下意识的觉得已经过了桥而错选C。

实际上原文是“if you want to go to the café, go towards the bridge, and turn right just before it. Walk along the side path and the café’s on the first bend you come to.”

原文中go towards the bridge是指从起始点开始朝着桥走,后面跟了陷阱turn right just before it. 在快到达桥的时候右转,随后接着说walk along the side path,右转后沿着小路走,也是在提示大家刚才并没有过桥。走上小路后first bend个转弯处得到正确答案D。


九分达人5 Test 3 Section 2



Q15 bus stop 音频原文“The main road comes into the village from the south and for those who are riding by bus it turns left just before the bridge and stops in the lay-by on the left-hand side”

从南边进入主路来到村庄,然后turn left before the bridge说明公交车会在到达桥之前就左转,并未经过桥梁到达地图的北部,后面接着说stops in the lay-by on the left-hand side,左转之后来到H,G这条小路,在左手边的紧急停车道处,得到答案是小路左边的H。


Q18 old mill音频原文 “Also, on the subject of history you can go and see the old mill which is recently being renovated and put back into use. Turn left before you come to the bridge the go straight on and take the first turning on the right. This leads straight there.” 这一题与Q15一样,出现turn left before the bridge,来到AGH这条小路,之后沿着小路一直走,到个转弯处右转,得出正确选项为A。


陷阱二 “follow the path past the bridge”


剑14 Test 2 Section 2


Q17 bow and arrow display. 这一道题很多学生会因为误认为已经走过了桥而选到G。

然而原文实际上是“take the first left after the main entrance and follow the path past the bridge, then you'll see it in front of you at the end.”

从起始点main entrance开始,take the first left个左转,沿着西边这条小路一直走,past the bridge经过这座桥, 在这里past并不表示从桥的一端上桥然后再过桥,而仅表示从桥旁边经过,径直往D的方向走,又说at the end (of the path)就是走到了道路的尽头,得到正确答案D。



也有同学反映说这道题”past the bridge” 由于past的t尾音失去爆破,听起来非常像“pass the bridge”导致觉得是已经走过了这座桥。然而实际上在英文表达中,过桥并不会用pass这个动词,那么接下来我们再一起来看看如果已经走过桥到了桥梁的另一端,听力当中究竟会出现哪些表达。


剑11 Test 1 Section 2

Q19 covered picnic area “if you’d prefer a covered picnic area, there is one near the farm yard: just after you cross the bridge, there is a covered picnic spot on the right”

Q20 Fiddy House “from here you can cross the bridge then walk along the footpath through the field to the left of the farm yard. That goes to the house.”

九分达人5 Test 3 Section2

Q20 “after crossing the bridge, turn left and it’s the second building on the left”

这三题当中走过桥梁到达另一端都是用的cross 这个动词。


剑14 Test 2 Section 2

Q19 traditional dancing “on the outdoor stage, that’s right at the other side of the castle from the entrance and over the bridge”

九分达人5 Test 3 Section2

Q16 car park “if you have to leave it in the main car park. Go over the bridge. Take the first turning on the right, the go on until you come to the end of that road”

这两题题中,走过桥梁到另一端都用了over 这个动词。


四 室外地图题是否过桥常见表达小结

未过桥:turn right just before the bridge, walk/go past the bridge

已过桥:cross the bridge, over the bridge

              walk/go across the bridge, walk/go through the bridge

(if you have an old-fashioned covered bridge, you may say you go through the bridge. 当在英文中表达走过那种传统的有顶棚的桥时,就不能用across(表示从面上走过),而要用through(表示从中间穿过)。)


总而言之,大家在做雅思听力地图题中一定要注意识别开篇总结过的各种暗线地标。而一旦发现桥的图示,那么在听辩中务必要仔细注意所搭配的动词或介词短语以及是否有before the bridge这样的表达,以确认是否要过桥。




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